I have been asked to give a presentation to some of the Webster City faculty on how to use Doctopus and Goobric. For those unfamiliar with these tools, if you use Google Apps for Education then you are missing out. Doctopus is a script that allows you to make copies of documents and establish permissions for your students. But it is much more than that. The script also gives you the ability to track progress, grade the assignments, and change permissions so students are not able to make edits once it is time to grade the assignments. Goobric is a Chrome extension that gives you the ability to add rubrics to an assignment, grade that assignment and give students feedback.
I am very honored to have been asked to present this info, and hope that at the end of the half day, they are as excited to use these tools as I am to present them with this information.
Here are two very good tutorials on Doctopus and Goobric
I am asking the staff to take this survey for the demo of Doctopus.
My hope for this training is that the staff of Webster City come away with an appreciation of the power of Google Apps for Education and the scripts that are already available for use. I hope to conduct more of these trainings for other districts in the future.