Once again, it is time for the annual ITEC conference. ITEC will take place October 13 - 15, 2013 at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines. This is currently the only venue in the state large enough to handle the conference. Six years ago the conference was small enough to be held at the downtown Marriott. My how things have changed. This year there are over 1200 people signed up to attend. They are teachers, school administrators, AEA staff, IT staff, and technology integrationists. It looks to be another wonderful conference.
For me, it is hard to believe that my tenure on the board has come to an end. After six wonderful years and a lot of personal and professional growth, I have reached the term limit for board members. I have made great friends along the way. Learned quite a bit about the conference and myself. And mostly I have had the opportunity to work with a great group of people with a common goal. Did we agree all the time? No. Did we get along all the time? Of course not. But we put together some great resources and opportunities for educators and we always kept that goal in mind. (Well, almost always)
I have been on the vendor committee for 5 of the six years and have been the head of that committee for the last two. It has been a job I have loved but will not miss. Without the vendors, the conference can not exist. Vendors keep the cost of the conference reasonable. Without them, the cost would probably triple just for ITEC to break even. That would also keep ITEC from doing the extra projects that they do. There would be no student technology fairs, no Spring IT Conference, and no ITEC grants. Be sure to stop in the vendor hall and say thanks.
This year we added the S'more sessions in the vendor hall. You can come to a 20 minute tech tip session and then visit vendors, all in the time you would spend in a normal session. Look for the camping classroom in the back of the vendor hall. I am presenting a session there on Flubaroo.
As part of my tech tip, I am asking attendees to take this survey.
So as I say goodbye to ITEC both the conference and the board. I tear up a little and look forward to the spring when I once again can actually attend sessions at a conference.